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Sharing my love of art has helped me help others, opened many doors, and added more colour to my life!

That's why I'm passionate about what I do and why I want to encourage others to dust off their paintbrushes and get their creative juices flowing!


A little encouragement goes a long way - art is enriching, therapeutic, and empowering. There's no wrong or right way to create art, it's what we make of it and how it transforms us.

Everyone deserves enrichment and fulfilment in their life and I truly believe art changes lives for the better. 

From a young child, I was always fascinated by arts and crafts, and showed a keen interest in creating!

I truly caught the creative bug and it never went away. I studied art and design as a chosen subject at school, and completed my degree in Art, Design, and Media at in 2013.

After completing my degree, I decided to go down an entrepreneurial path and set up my own business! 




Amy, aged 2

I was lost for a while, but now I've found my calling. 

I launched my little business in 2017, and it was tough. A lot to learn and a lot of trial and error. A lot of losses, and little gains. I doubted at one point that I was really cut out for running my own business.

But I never gave up. Although it was hard at first, I feel like I've found my calling in teaching art and encouraging others to express themselves creatively.




I'm so excited to have you here and I hope that my story resonates with you & inspires you! 

Amy Louise Art x



Printable colouring pages & activities, and real time video tutorials

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